The cytoskeletal arrangement of Disematostoma colpidioides has been st
udied by silver impregnation and permeabilization methods. The somatic
cortex is supported by the epiplasm, kinetosomes and their fibrillar
derivates, and by the outer and infraciliary lattices. The buccal cyto
skeleton presents a more complicated structure. The right side is main
ly maintained by nematodesmal bundles arising from the vestibular and
paroral kineties, and microfibrillar tracts contribute to the maintena
nce of this side. The left side is supported by the microfibrillar net
s and the postciliary microtubules coming from the kinetosomes of the
membranelles. The bottom of the buccal cavity is surrounded by the dee
p net and postciliary microtubules of the peniculi, and by the filamen
tous reticulum and nematodesmata belonging to the paroral infraciliatu