Exact similarity solutions are developed for nonlinear diffusion with
nonlinear reactive or irreversible absorptive loss from an instantaneo
us source. The diffusivity is proportional to a power m of concentrati
on, with 0 < m less-than-or-equal-to 1; and loss rate is also proporti
onal to a power of concentration, n, with 0 less-than-or-equal-to n <
1. The solutions are for an arbitrary number of dimensions s > 0 with
s = 1, 2, 3 in physical applications. All solutions give the slug radi
us finite, increasing to a maximum, and then decreasing to zero in fin
ite time. With n < 1, the loss rate at small concentrations is large e
nough to ensure slug extinction in finite time. The corresponding exac
t solutions for gain, not loss, are given also. They become independen
t of initial slug quantity in the limit of infinite time.