Anger expression styles are associated with psychological and physical
well-being among adults. Little is known about the role of anger expr
ession in children's functioning. This lack of knowledge has resulted,
in part, from a lack of validated tools for anger expression measurem
ent. The Pediatric Anger Expression Scale-3rd edition (PAES-III; Jacob
s, Phelps, & Rohrs, 1989; Jacobs & Kronaizl, 1991) has been proposed a
s a reliable and valid assessment instrument of anger expression style
s. The PAES-III includes three scales that measure anger turned inward
, anger expressed outwardly, and anger controlled cognitively or behav
iorally. We evaluated the psychometric properties of this instrument w
hen it is administered verbally to children with juvenile rheumatoid a
rthritis, children with juvenile diabetes mellitus, and healthy childr
en. Internal consistency was adequate for anger-in and anger-out, but
marginal for anger-control. Concurrent validity was supported for the
total sample. A principal components analysis suggested a four-factor
model of anger expression. Overall, the PAES-III was found to have psy
chometric limitations. Use of a modified PAES-III may facilitate pedia
tric behavioral medicine research addressing risk factors maladjustmen
t among children with chronic illnesses.