Forty-three patients with irrescetable advanced pancreatic cancer were
randomized to receive chemotherapy using a combination of 5-fluoroura
cil, Adriamycin and mitomycin or no chemotherapy. Groups were well mat
ched with regard to age, extent of disease and performance status on e
ntry. Chemotherapy was well tolerated and, although common, side-effec
ts were usually mild. Psychological measurements based on the Hospital
Anxiety and Depression score were made in 31 patients. These showed s
ignificantly less depression but not anxiety in the treated group imme
diately after randomization and following 2 months of chemotherapy. Me
dian survival in the treated group was 33 (range 9-80) weeks compared
with 15 (range 1-62) weeks in the untreated group (P < 0.002). Chemoth
erapy should be considered in all patients presenting with advanced in
operable pancreatic cancer.