The understanding of transport and dispersion of combined sewer overfl
ows (CSOs), containing both dissolved and particulate matters, is a ma
jor component of a research program dealing with the assessment of imp
acts of CSOs on the Seine River. This study has combined field measure
ments and the development of modelling tools. The first experimental r
esults stress the fact that predictions of the behaviour of dissolved
matter require the use of a fully two-dimensional hydraulic model, bec
ause the dispersion process seems to strongly depend on geometrical fe
atures of the fiver - meanders and the differential advection they ind
uce. Concerning the particulate matter. it appears that different fact
ors govern its downstream transport, namely. settling properties. crit
ical shear stress, and vertical diffusivity. These factors may produce
forces on particles of the same order of magnitude, but in opposite d
irections. Special experiments are needed to determine precisely how t
hese forces combine.