Insulin release by the pancreatic islets of 12-week- and 2-year-old ma
le Wistar rats was compared using glucose and non-fuel secretagogues s
uch as forskolin, phorbol ester (l2-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate)
and glyburide acting on adenylyl cyclase, C kinase, and the ATP-sensi
tive K+ channel, respectively. Sensitivity of the voltage-dependent ca
lcium channel to nifedipine was also examined. In the beta cell of age
d rats, the following abnormalities were found: (a) right shift of the
dose-response curve (depressed sensitivity) of glucose-induced insuli
n release, (b) no increase of the maximum response to glucose in the f
ace of increased insulin content of the islets (reduced responsiveness
), (c) no response to forskolin and normal response to the phorbol est
er and glyburide, and (d) increased sensitivity to nifedipine. In the
beta cell of aged rats, sensitivity and responsiveness to glucose are
depressed and cyclic AMP-dependent exocytosis and the calcium channel
are abnormal.