Trichotillomania is a disorder characterized by hair-pulling and resul
ting hair loss. Hair is usually pulled from the scalp, eyelashes, eyeb
rows, beard, and pubic area. Sufferers often resort to wearing wigs or
elaborate hair styles and make-up to camouflage bald patches. It occu
rs more frequently in women and is associated with considerable distre
ss. The two treatments of choice currently are pharmacotherapy and cog
nitive-behavioral therapy. The choice of assessment procedures include
s self-monitoring, saving hairs, interview, observational rating, digi
tal photograph and computer scoring, significant others' report, and s
tandardized measures. Goals of assessment in trichotillomania and adva
ntages and disadvantages of assessment procedures are discussed. The T
richotillomania Diagnostic Interview is presented as a standardized di
agnostic interview.