To determine the effects that pregnancy and infant care have on Embu w
omen's commercial, agricultural and household activities, time use pat
terns were studied for women at different stages of pregnancy and lact
ation. Time allocation data were collected from 169 households, visite
d at random intervals over a year, by use of the spot observations tec
hnique. Detailed reproductive data were collected monthly, and househo
ld socioeconomic data quarterly. Analyses of Embu women's time use by
reproductive status reveal that the demands of pregnancy and lactation
require women to decrease the amount of time spent on subsistence agr
iculture, commercial activities, housework, and tending animals; and t
o devote more time to resting, breastfeeding, and child care. Agricult
ural and economic activities are curtailed especially in the 3rd trime
ster of pregnancy and the 1st period of lactation. This data provide i
nsight into how pregnancy and lactation require women to adjust their
time allocation between reproductive and farm labor activities. This d
ecrease in time spent on subsistence agriculture, commercial activitie
s, and household work increases the risk of household economic insecur
ity during the woman's reproductive years.