To assess whether therapy with Ribavirin may affect the course of chro
nic delta hepatitis, nine Italian patients with this disease received
the drug orally at a dosage of 15 mg/kg daily for 16 weeks. At the end
of the therapy period, all patients were followed for 12 additional m
onths. Seven patients completed the trial. Two patients were withdrawn
: one developed hemolytic anemia, and the other intractable itching. A
t the end of treatment HD viremia was reduced in one patient, had clea
red in another, and was unchanged in the remaining five patients. None
of the patients decreased their alanine transferase (ALT) levels by m
ore than 50%. At the doses given in this study. Ribarivin did not show
significant antiviral effects in chronic hepatitis D, and was not eff
ective in reducing the biochemical markers of liver inflammation and n