In this paper, we present a novel estimator for the time-dependent spe
ctrum of a nonstationary signal. By modeling the signal, at any given
frequency, as having a time-varying amplitude accurately represented h
y an orthonormal basis expansion, we are able to compute a minimum mea
n-squared error estimate of this time-varying amplitude. Repeating the
process over all frequencies, we obtain a power distribution as a fun
ction of time and frequency that is consistent with the Wold-Cramer ev
olutionary spectrum. Based on the model assumptions, we develop the ev
olutionary periodogram (EP) for nonstationary signals, an estimator an
alogous to the periodogram used in the stationary case. We also derive
the time-frequency resolution of the new estimator. Our approach is f
ree of some of the drawbacks of the bilinear distributions and of the
short-time Fourier transform spectral estimates. It is guaranteed to p
roduce nonnegative spectra without the cross-term behavior of the bili
near distributions, and it does not require windowing of data in the t
ime domain. Examples illustrating the new estimator are given.