Two broad classes of studies relating to menopause are reviewed: descr
iptive studies (cross-sectional or longitudinal); and comparative stud
ies (observational or experimental). For descriptive studies the issue
s are: costs of sampling from a general population; measurement of las
t mentrual period (LMP) in the context of hormone therapy; unbiased sy
mptom reporting in ethnically diverse populations; and in-home vs. cli
nic-based measurement. Comparative cohort studies of menopause-related
therapies are somewhat more vulnerable to selection bias from medical
care access than case-control studies with hospital or patient contro
ls. Ideally, in clinical trials, no subjects should have previously us
ed any of the trial therapies to ensure unbiased assessment of side ef
fects and to maximize preservation of masking if a placebo is used. In
terms of analysis, information (precision) depends on the proportion
in the sample for whom LMP is defined, not the total number in the sam
ple. The role of cigarette smoking as covariate in any analysis is of
particular concern as it is the major determinant of the timing of LMP
. These design and analysis issues, although identified from research
to date, are still new. Some lack wide documentation and are thus not
well understood. Others lack dear solutions.