We report on two cases of irradiation-induced bilateral femoral neurop
athy. In one case the lesion developed 18 years after irradiation of u
terine cancer and in the second 14 years after irradiation of an abdom
inal type of Hodgkin's disease. In both cases the first presenting sym
ptoms were spontaneous motor activity like myokymias in the quadriceps
muscle with corresponding changes in EMG, and, in case 1, moderate we
akness of the quadriceps muscle, and in case 2 of the ileopsoas muscle
(development during follow-up). Both patients showed only slow deteri
oration during follow-up and mild functional disability. In the second
case with high femoral lesion we observed an unusual dissociated atro
phy mainly in the rectus femoris part of the quadriceps muscle.