In the present report we first outline and characterize the details of
uniform deposition of PdAc from an acetone solution on a large area.
Then, we investigate the parameters that highly influence the thicknes
s and quality of the laser direct-written palladium lines (spin coatin
g speed among others). Currently, good quality and uniform patterning
of laser written thin lines of Pd have been achieved on samples as lar
ge as 4 inches in diameter. The Pd lines are well resolved (minimum of
3 mum in width now) and exhibit fairly good resistivity around 30 muO
MEGA . cm. They also showed good adhesion to the SiO2 substrate as the
y endure repeated Scotch tape adhesion tests. Moreover, the second ste
p of highly selective Al-CVD has been investigated under various condi
tions and gave rise to resistivities of about 6.5 muOMEGA . cm and 300
0 angstrom thickness for a 7 min deposition. This process stands out a
s very promising for packaging and high density interconnect technolog