Decay of the Central and East European economic and political system h
as had a large influence on the world-wise international relations dev
elopment. It has accelerated above all the intentions of the EFTA coun
tries to enter into the European Union. As a reflection of this develo
pment can be seen also the creation of the common economic area which
autonomous but mutually more advantageous conditions especially in the
field of foreign trade have been constituted for. Motivations and imp
ortance of this step for individual countries are emphasized im the fi
rst part of the article. Second part of the article is concentrated up
on the adjustment reactions of the Central and Eastern Europe to the c
ommon markets of the European Union and EFTA. The necessity for deep s
tructural and other changes which could stimulate a succesful adjustme
nt processes is claimed. The final part of the article deals with spec
ific economic issues of the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic, with t
heir starting positions as well as with possibilities of alternative s
olutions which have to be taken in the field of adjustment policies to
the changing economic relations within the European space. A need for
waste structural regulations which together with reasonable microecon
omic and macroeconomic maeasures implementation could represent a deci
sive moment for gaining the transformation toward a market economy is