Calculations based on a KMnFMASH petrogenetic grid derived using an in
ternally consistent thermodynamic dataset indicate that the principal
effect of the presence of Mn in average subaluminous pelite dynamic da
taset indicate that the principal effect of the presence of Mn in aver
age subaluminous pelite compositions is to stabilize garnet to higher
and lower pressures and temperatures over a wide range of bulk composi
tions. Garnet-bearing fields expand to lower temperatures and pressure
s with the addition of Mn, and garnet appears as an extra phase at low
pressures. The addition of Mn also increases the number and extent of
four AMnFM phase assemblages and stabilizes five AMnFM phases along u
nivariant reactions. The KMnFMASH system predictions for typical subal
uminous pelite bulk compositions match the sequence of isograds and as
semblages observed in the Barrovian zones. The sequence:of assemblages
observed in the Stonehaven section can also be predicted if there is
variation in bulk composition within the stratigraphic section. Mn app
ears to be less important in producing the sequence of isograds and ga
rnet-absent assemblages in the low-pressure Buchan zones. The addition
of Mn to the calculations does not change the sequence of isograds th
at are predicted to be stable in a regional metamorphic terrane, but t
he P-T position of these isograds does change. In particular, the pred
icted temperature of the garnet-in isograd is lowered by as much as 10
0 degrees C by the addition of Mn to KFMASH. Mn also increases the ran
ge of metapelite bulk compositions that develop the assemblages tradit
ionally identified as metapelite isograds.