To develop the hospital information system, the radiological informati
on system, and the picture archiving and communication system for our
new hospital, we analysed the data volume at each step of the flow in
our present film-based system. After that, we used a small PACS, and i
t indicated the problems in it. From the analysis of the data volume o
f the film-based system, it was found out that digital data should be
compressed, and prefetching techniques should be employed for digital
PACS. Several types of display terminals had been proved to be necessa
ry for different purposes. An RIS connection was thought to be obligat
ory to avoid incorrect input of ID on the image. Image input terminals
should have edit functions for easy recognition of the image informat
ion. Taking account of these requirements for digital PACS, we are dev
eloping an actual total PACS.