Acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD) occurs in the setting of prolong
ed azotemia and is therefore common in dialysis patients. It is charac
terized by epithelial proliferation, and its major complication is the
development of renal cancer. The incidence of renal cancer is signifi
cantly increased in ACKD patients and is probably increased overall in
the ESRD population as well. Those ESRD patients with suspicious symp
toms, prolonged predialysis azotemia, or a dialysis duration of longer
than 3 yr, or those who are candidates for a renal transplant should
be screened for ACKD. Sonography or computed tomographic scanning are
useful as initial screening tools. However, although more expensive an
d requiring contrast administration, the contrast-enhanced computed to
mographic scan is the definitive imaging procedure by which to initial
ly evaluate a renal mass. A suspicious renal mass is a patient who is
a surgical candidate is an indication for a radical nephrectomy.