The magnetic susceptibilities of lithium-methylamine solutions have be
en measured for metal concentrations of 2.0, 1.0, and 0.085 mole perce
nt metal (MPM) over the temperature range 2 - 300 K. The temperature-
and concentration-dependence of the solution-phase magnetic susceptibi
lities are consistent with an equilibrium between diamagnetic spin-pai
red and paramagnetic spin-unpaired species. Enthalpy and entropy value
s for a single equilibrium of this type are derived from an analysis b
ased on the susceptibility data for dilute solutions. Calculated susce
ptibilities based on this single equilibrium are in good agreement wit
h the observed concentration- and temperature-dependence of lithium-me
thylamine solution-phase susceptibilities over nearly two orders of ma
gnitude variation in concentration and over a 50-degrees-C temperature
range. The derived spin-unpairing enthalpy is 12.14 kJ/mol, or 0.125
eV. This value is considerably smaller in magnitude than the correspon
ding spin-unpairing enthalpy measured for dilute potassium-ammonia sol
utions (congruent-to 0.40 eV), suggesting that the spin-pairing intera
ction is weaker in lithium-methylamine solutions.