This paper describes the prevalence, pattern, and severity of incisal
wear of anterior teeth in 64 dental students at an average age of 23 /- 1.7 years with a high number of permanent teeth present. The index
used to assess wear on stone casts (IwI) was shown to have good reprod
ucibility. The results indicated that about 98% of the anterior teeth
had been worn to various degrees. In both jaws central incisors were m
ost commonly affected by incisal wear, canines followed next in order,
and lateral incisors were least commonly affected. Wear of identical
teeth on the right and left side tended to be bilaterally symmetrical
in both jaws. The results of these initial observations suggest that d
ata from re-examination of this study group will lend themselves to de
tecting possible changes of the pattern and severity of incisal wear o
f permanent anterior teeth.