D. Alt et al., ESTIMATION OF PHOSPHORUS AVAILABILITY IN COMPOSTS AND COMPOST PEAT MIXTURES BY DIFFERENT EXTRACTION METHODS/, Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 25(11-12), 1994, pp. 2063-2080
A trial was carried out with compost and compost/peat mixtures to test
several extraction methods for the estimation of availability of phos
phorus (P). The test plant was Dendranthema grandiflorum All composts
had a high pH and salt content. Amounts of P extracted by different ex
traction methods decreased in the order: Formate < CAL < NH4-acetate <
CaCl2/DTPA < CaCl2. Dilution of compost with peat decreased pH and in
creased availability of P. The better availability of P caused by dilu
tion with peat was not reflected by the Formate-, CAL-, and NH4-acetat
e method. These acid and well-buffered extraction solutions overestima
te P, and are therefore not suited to estimate availability of P in co
mposts and compost/peat mixtures. Weak extraction solutions, like CaCl
2 and CaCl2/DTPA, gave results which showed a good correlation with P
content of plants and P uptake. The advantage of the latter method com
pared with CaCl2 is the extraction of amounts of P comparable to amoun
ts taken up by the plants. Therefore of all the extraction methods tes
ted, the CaCl2/DTPA method showed the best suitability to estimate the
availability of P in composts and compost/peat mixtures.