We present an ellipsometric study of wetting and adsorption at the liq
uid-vapour interface of the cyclohexane-methanol system both at two-ph
ase coexistence and in the one-phase region of the phase diagram. At b
ulk coexistence, it is observed that either a very thin or a thick fil
m of the heavy phase intrudes between the lighter phase and the vapour
in a certain temperature range. The observed hysteresis is consistent
with the assumption that the wetting transition if a first-order phas
e transition. Also, experimental evidence is presented for the existen
ce of a prewetting. transition in the mixed region of the phase diagra
m. For certain compositions, a first-order thin-to-thick-film transiti
on can be observed as the temperature is decreased towards the separat
ion temperature. The prewetting critical point, where the distinction
between the thin and the thick film vanishes, is found to display two-
dimensional Ising criticality.