Porous silicon is emerging in micromachining technology as an excellen
t material for use as a sacrificial layer. This is largely due to the
ease of fabrication and freedom of design it allows. The rate of pore
formation is heavily dependent upon the doping type and concentration
of the silicon, allowing patterned porous silicon formation through se
lective doping of the substrate. Etch-rates above 10 mm min(-1) have b
een reported for highly doped material. Silicon that has been made por
ous can be quickly and easily removed in a dilute hydroxide solution,
as low as 1%. Porous silicon technology offers the unique ability to f
abricate free-standing structures in single-crystal silicon with separ
ation distances from the substrate ranging from a few microns to over
one hundred microns. A review of the development of porous silicon for
micromachining applications is given.