Computer technology has been applied to psychiatry and psychotherapy f
or four main purposes: as a diagnostic aid, for computer-assisted inst
ruction, to aid cognitive rehabilitation, and for computer-mediated ps
ychotherapy (CMP). The first and second applications have proved highl
y useful in some psychiatric domains, but CMP is at a preliminary stag
e and remains controversial because little evaluation data is availabl
e. The questions addressed in this paper are: Can psychologic computer
software cope with emotional and behavioural dysfunctions? To what ex
tent can the use of computers help the patient recover? The authors re
view experiences in this area and discuss the dangers, possible drawba
cks, major objections and limits of CMP. They also examine the possibi
lity that computer applications may help in the understanding of psych
otherapy. Finally, they address some ethical issues in the application
of this technique.