Early images were taken with the optically corrected WFPC2 camera of t
he Hubble Space Telescope of the low-redshift QSOs 1229 + 204 and 2141
+ 175, which are radio-quiet and radio-loud, respectively. We discuss
image restoration on the data. The objects were chosen on the basis o
f structure seen with O.5'' resolution with the CFHT high-resolution c
amera (HRCAM). 1229 + 204 was known to be a barred spiral with an asym
metrical extra blue feature: this is now resolved into a ring of knots
which are probably young stellar populations in the tidal debris of a
small gas-rich companion. There are also shell-like structures along
the bar. 2141 + 175 has a faint smooth curved tidal arm without knots
which extends on both sides of a compact elliptical-shaped central gal
axy. There is also a short jetlike feature emerging from the nucleus.
We discuss the properties and implications of these morphological deta