Samples of Korean and Michigan barley varieties artificially aged to p
rovide varying levels of seed quality were evaluated by the standard g
ermination test (SGT), cold germination test, electroconductivity test
and tetrazolium vigour test. In a multiple correlation analysis, plum
ule length in the SGT accounted for 71% of the variation in seedling e
mergence in malting barley. Percent germination, vigour index and elec
troconductivity also contributed significantly to the regression equat
ion. However, field emergence of food varieties was not easily predict
ed by the regression equation, compared with malting and feed varietie
s, Grain yield was predicted by the percent cold germination, standard
germination and electroconductivity. Percent field emergence was sign
ificantly correlated with grain yield of malting barley and electrocon
ductivity. Percent TZ viability, plumule length and percent germinatio
n were useful for predicting grain yield of feed barley.