Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) usually presents as a sporadic dis
order of motor neurons. However, familial forms of ALS have been descr
ibed - autosomal dominant forms (ALS1, ALS3), clinically indistinguish
able from the sporadic form, and autosomal recessive forms with early
onset and slower progression of symptoms (ALS2). To localize the gene
for one of the autosomal recessive forms of ALS, we applied linkage an
alysis to a large inbred family from Tunisia. A lod score maximum of Z
(max) = 8.2 at theta=0.00 was obtained with marker D2S72 located on ch
romosome 2q33-q35. The fine mapping of this region suggested that the
ALS2 locus lies in the 8 cM segment flanked by D2S155 and D2S115.