Risk assessment of a pesticide includes the identification of hazard,
dose-response, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. Toxicol
ogy study reports undergo several levels of scientific and regulatory
review in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Office of Pest
icide Programs. A Health Effects Division (HED) scientist reviews the
reports. The resulting Data Evaluation Records are presented to severa
l internal HED Peer Review committees to ensure consistency across che
micals in establishing which hazard end points to use when determining
the reference dose and carcinogenicity potential for use in dietary a
nd nondietary risk assessments. There may also be external reviews. Th
e toxicologic pathologist can impact many steps in this process. The n
oncancer end points are just as important as the cancer end points whe
n evaluating the hazard component of a pesticide. The toxicologic path
ologist can assist in the hazard and risk characterization by being cl
ear and concise, carefully defining terms and relating individual lesi
ons to the animal, study, and database as a whole. The preceding will
assist the HED in fulfilling EPA Administrator Carol Browner's guidanc
e for risk characterizations that are transparent, clear, concise, and