The effect of bombardment by fast electrons followed by hydrostatic co
mpression on the electrical properties of Pb1-xSnxTe[In] alloys has be
en studied. The electron energy was E = 6 MeV, and the bombardment dos
e PHI less-than-or-equal-to 7.7 . 10(17) cm-2 . The bombardment was ca
rried out at 300 K. The hydrostatic compression reached pressures P le
ss-than-or-equal-to 15 kbar. The properties were measured while extern
al radiation was screened out and also during controlled illumination
by a thermal IR source. The results show that the electron bombardment
has essentially no effect on the electrical properties of the alloys,
the magnitude of the steady-state photoconductivity, or the height (W
) of the barrier between localized and band states in these alloys. Th
e results are explained on the basis of a model energy spectrum propos
ed previously for undoped Pb1-xSnxTe alloys bombarded by electrons. Th
at model assumes a rigid stabilization of the Fermi level by an indium
impurity level in the test samples.