Quantitative analysis of DNA content represents a critical step when o
nly very small amounts of nucleic acids are available. The DNA content
of a small RNA-free sample can be measured in a simple and precise wa
y using a two-dimensional approach. DNA samples are spotted on the sur
face of an agarose gel containing ethidium bromide (EtBr) and the ultr
aviolet-induced low-light fluorescence emitted by EtBr molecules inter
calated into the DNA is evaluated. The high sensitivity and reproducib
ility of this quantitative method has been obtained using an advanced
analysis system capable of distinguishing low-light fluorescent patter
ns, as in the case of DNA stained with EtBr, from the background. Use
of an internal standard is necessary because the intensity of the sign
al is due to the aperture of camera diaphragm and to gel conditions. U
sing this two-dimensional analysis system it is possible to obtain rap
id and precise quantitation of as little as 2 ng of DNA.