Geographic patterns of county prevalence rates of disability benefit r
eceipt are shown for the Social Security Administration's Disability I
nsurance (DI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. Prevale
nce rates were calculated by dividing each county's December 1990 DI a
nd SSI disability caseloads by the population aged 18-64 for that year
in that county. Separate maps were also constructed for men and women
recipients. Areas with the highest overall DI prevalence rates includ
ed Appalaclua, the Southeast Coastal Plains, the Mid-south, northweste
rn Montana, the coastal counties of Washington, and isolated counties
of the Southwest. Areas with the highest SSI prevalence rates included
the Mississippi Delta, scattered counties in Oklahoma, the Missouri '
'Boot Heel,'' parts of Appalachia, isolated counties in South and Nort
h Dakota, the 'Four Comers'' region of the Southwest, the Sacramento a
nd San Joaquin Valley regions of California, isolated parts of the upp
er Great Lakes States, northern Maine, and the coastal region of south
western Alaska. Disability prevalence rates were also calculated for t
he overall population and by sex for each of the 10 U. S. Department o
f Health and Human Services administrative regions.