Segmental colonic transit has been measured in 101 patients. Two MBq o
f (111)Indium absorbed on resin pellets and encapsulated in an enteric
coated capsule was given at 7 00 am. Hourly images during the first d
ay, and three images during each subsequent day were acquired for up t
o three days. Using all scan and patient data the scans were categoris
ed in one of the five patterns of colonic transit: normal, rapid, righ
t delay, left delay, or generalised delay. The geometric centres and p
er cent activity at each time point was compared between the five grou
ps of colonic transit patients to find the best time for imaging and s
o to distinguish the five groups. During the first day, early images d
id not help in diagnosis of patterns of transit, however, in the later
images (six hours onwards after the ingestion of the activity) the ra
pid transit groups could be identified. Images at 27 and 51 hours were
both required to distinguish all five groups of patients from each ot
her. Only in the 'normal' transit patients was there some excretion of
the activity during the course of the second day, otherwise there was
no difference in the images taken in the course of a day (second or t
hird day). A simplified protocol requires a minimum of three images to
distinguish all five patterns of colonic transit. The activity should
be ingested in the morning (7 00 am) and the first image taken at the
end of the working day (8-10 hours after ingestion), the second image
on the morning of the second day, and the third image during the cour
se of the third day. This simple protocol would provide all the clinic
ally relevant information necessary for correct classification of the
colonic transit.