Every child with severe or moderate haemophilia A or B, born in Sweden
during the period 1970-1990, was traced in the national haemophilia r
egister, all 117 case records being surveyed for mode of delivery and
perinatal complications. Of the 117 deliveries, 13 were by caesarean s
ection and the remaining 104 vaginal. Of the 13 caesarean sections, 2
were performed because the woman was a haemophilia carrier, the remain
ing 11 (5 emergency, 6 elective) for other reasons. Neonatal complicat
ions were: subgaleal or cephalic haematoma (n = 12), intracranial haem
orrhage (n = 4), umbilical bleeding (n = 4), haematuria (n = 1), retro
-orbital bleeding (n = 1) and abnormal bleeding after surgery, injecti
on or venepuncture (n = 28). Of the 12 infants with subgalear/cephalic
haematoma, 10 were delivered by vacuum extraction. Seven more infants
were delivered by vacuum extraction and another 1 1 were born without
abnormal bleedings after laborious (> 24 h) delivery. Of the 4 childr
en with intracranial haemorrhage, all were sporadic cases of haemophil
ia, 1 was a premature birth by caesarean section in the 27th week, 1 w
as delivered by vacuum extraction and the remaining 2 vaginally. In th
ese 4 cases there were no sequelae or only minor ones. We conclude tha
t the risk of serious bleeding in conjunction with normal vaginal deli
very is small, but that vacuum extraction should be avoided when deliv
ering offspring of haemophilia carriers.