In a prospective investigation the diagnostic accuracy of film-screen
and digital radiography in rheumatoid arthritis of hands was compared.
Seventy hands of 36 patients with established rheumatoid arthritis we
re included in the study. Each of 11 joints in every hand was evaluate
d regarding the following radiologic parameters: soft tissue swelling,
joint space narrowing, erosions and periarticular osteopenia. The dig
ital images were obtained with storage phosphor image plates and evalu
ated in 2 forms; as digital hard-copy on film and on a monitor of an i
nteractive workstation. The digital images had a resolution of either
3.33 or 5.0 lp/mm. ROC curves were constructed and comparing the area
under the curves no significant difference was found between the 3 dif
ferent imaging forms in either resolution group for soft tissue swelli
ng, joint space narrowing and erosions. The film-screen image evaluati
on of periarticular osteopenia was significantly better than the digit
al hard-copy one in the 3.33 lp/mm resolution group, but no significan
t difference was found in the 5.0 lp/mm group. These results support t
he view that currently available digital systems are capable of adequa
te diagnostic performance.