The mortality for multiple sclerosis in Italy was analyzed for the per
iod 1969-1987. The age-adjusted (to Italian 1981 population) death rat
es decreased slightly during these years for both sexes. The average n
ational female/male ratio of the age-adjusted rates is 1.33 and shows
a north-south gradient, with values <1 in the South-Islands area where
multiple sclerosis cases are probably heavily underreported on the de
ath certificates. A positive, significant correlation between the age-
adjusted death rates and latitude of the 20 Italian regions exists for
the period 1969-1975; in recent years (1981-1987), these parameters s
how a weaker, but not statistically significant positive correlation M
oreover, the 95% confidence intervals of the death rates in the 20 reg
ions overlapped extensively in both periods studied (1969-1975 and 198
1-1987). Death rates for multiple sclerosis are a weak index of the fr
equency of the disease and their utility is restricted to national sur
veys. The descriptive epidemiological data (incidence, prevalence, mor
tality) available at present in Italy do not seem to support a link be
tween multiple sclerosis and latitude.