The tracheoesophageal puncture technique with insertion of a valved pr
osthesis for speech rehabilitation after total laryngectomy is a relia
ble and simple procedure for successful vocal rehabilitation. The avai
lable voice prosthesis can be separated into indwelling and non-indwel
ling types. The details of the indwelling long-term prostheses (low-pr
essure Groningen Prosthesis, Nijdam, prosthesis, Provox prosthesis) ar
e discussed. These prostheses need limited patient care. Replacement o
f the indwelling prosthesis is a simple out-patient procedure, althoug
h it is best performed by an ENT-specialist. The local complication ra
te is low and generally not significant. Hand-free speech is now possi
ble by placement of a tracheostoma valve. Current experiences are enco
uraging for continued use.