Topical nasal sprays, especially steroids, have regained favor as trea
tment for allergic rhinitis. Nasal steroids are widely used and are as
safe and effective as antihistamines in controlling symptoms of rhini
tis. However, if improperly used, steroids can have side effects. It i
s essential that patients learn correct techniques for administering n
asal steroids and understand complications that can result from nasal
steroid use. New steroid drugs, such as budesonide, tripedane and flut
icasone, are being evaluated and will be available in the near future.
Other topical drugs, such as cromolyn and ipratropium, are also effec
tive. Over-the-counter decongestants are helpful in reducing nasal con
gestion and allowing other topical medicines to penetrate effectively
into the nasal cavity, but their use should be limited to no more than
three days. Prolonged use of topical nasal decongestants has no place
in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and can be associated with sign
ificant side effects.