The species Nototylus fryi (Schaum) was described in 1863 from Brasil.
The only specimen known, a female, is the unique representative of a
family of Coleoptera Adephaga. The Author gives a new and detailed des
cription of this single specimen and discusses its systematic position
and phylogenetic affinities. The absence of a protibial antennal clea
ning organ and the primitive features of the antennae set Nototylus am
ong the most ancient lineages of Adephaga. On the other hand, the clos
ed procoxal cavities (sensu Leconte, 1853), with pleural lobe fitting
into the prosternal process, and the harpalidian-type postabdomen (sen
su Deuve, 1988), are apomorphic character states which isolate this en
igmatic family. However, some apomorphies present in Nototylus (especi
ally compression of the protibia, tergite IX differentiated as a thin
transversal arch, laterotergites IX reduced and very lateral in locati
on, and the diffuse dorsal pubescence), are shared with some represent
atives of the Paussidae. For this reason, phylogenetic affinities betw
een these two families are likely. The hypothesis of a sister-group re
lationship between Nototylidae and Paussidae is suggested, but with do
ubt. So, the Nototylidae remain an enigmatic family.