Hemoglobin Constant Spring (HbCS) is the most common nondeletional alp
ha-thalassemic mutation and is an important cause of HbH-like disease
in Southeast Asia. HbCS variants have an almost normal mean cell volum
e (MCV) and the anemia is more severe when compared with other alpha-t
halassemic variants. We explored the pathobiology of HbCS red blood ce
lls (RBCs) because the underlying cause(s) of this MCV ''normalizing''
effect of HbCS and the more severe anemia are not fully explained. Hb
CS containing RBCs are distinctly overhydrated relative to deletional
alpha-thalassemia variants, and the derangement of volume regulation a
nd cell hydration occurs early in erythroid maturation and is fully ex
pressed at the reticulocyte stage. Furthermore, the membrane rigidity
and membrane mechanical stability of HbCS containing RBCs is increased
when compared with HbH and alpha-thalassemia-1 trait RBCs. In seeking
the cause(s) underlying these cellular alterations we analyzed membra
nes from HbCS and deletional alpha-thalassemic variants and found that
in addition to oxidized beta-globin chains, oxidized alpha(cs)-globin
chains are also associated with the membranes and their skeletons in
HbCS containing RBCs. We propose that the membrane pathology of HbCS v
ariants is caused by combination of the deleterious effects induced by
membrane-bound oxidized alpha(cs)- and beta-globin chains. The membra
ne alterations induced by alpha(cs) chains are more akin to those indu
ced by beta(A)-globin chains than those induced by the alpha(A)-globin
chains that accumulate in the beta-thalassemias. Thus, each globin ch
ain, alpha(cs), alpha(A), beta(A), appears to produce its own form of
membrane perturbation. (C) 1997 by The American Society of Hematology.