An investigation of the bonding behaviours of selected rare earth (R)
containing filled skutterudite samples (RFe4P12) is reported. X-ray di
ffraction and magnetic properties of CeFe4P12 are compared with those
previously published. The electronic structure and bonding properties
of the R=La, Ce and Pr members of this series are probed by X-ray abso
rption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), and compared with the L3 edges
of selected trivalent and tetravalent standards. We find.that the Ce X
ANES is complex, indicating that although the Ce is primarily trivalen
t, there is evidence of complex electronic behaviour in CeFe4P12. A co
mparison of the L3 edges of LaFe4P12, and PrFe4P12, as well as CeFe4P1
2, with those obtained from ionic model compounds reveals some bonding
between the f-ion and the -FeP- framework in all cases.