Baryon density inhomogeneities during big bang nucleosynthesis can res
ult from a variety of possible causes (e.g., quantum chromodynamic and
electroweak phase transitions; cosmic strings). We present here the c
onsequences of such inhomogeneities with special emphasis on the produ
ction of heavy elements in a parameter study, varying the global baryo
n-to-photon ratio eta [which is related to the baryon density and the
Hubble constant via eta10 = 64.94OMEGA(b)(H-0/50)2] and the length sca
le of the density inhomogeneities. The production of heavy elements be
yond Fe can only occur in neutron-rich environments; thus, we limit ou
r study to neutron-rich zones, originating from neutron diffusion into
low-density regions. In this first calculation including elements hea
vier than Si, we prove an earlier hypothesis that under such condition
s r-process elements can be produced, strongly enhanced by the process
of fission cycling. Primordial r-process abundances are, however, ver
y sensitive to the choice of eta. Significant amounts, comparable to o
r larger than the (permitted) floor of heavy-element abundances found
in low-metallicity stars at the onset of galactic evolution, can only
be obtained for values in excess of eta10 = 133 (i.e., OMEGA(b)h50(2)
= 2.0; e.g., OMEGA(b) = 1, H-0 = 71 or OMEGA(b) = 0.5, H-0 = 100) and
large length scales of inhomogeneities, which minimize the back-diffus
ion of neutrons into proton-rich regions. Recent investigations analyz
ing the primordial abundances of light elements seem to set tighter li
mits, eta10 < 26-39 (OMEGA(b)h50(2) < 0.4-0.6), from He-4 and apparent
ly considerably lower values based on Li, Be, and B. Under such condit
ions the predicted abundances of heavy elements are a factor of 10(5)
or more below presently observable limits.