This study investigated the relationship between brain injury and pers
onality, using the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery and the C
linical Analysis Questionnaire as measurement tools. Psychopathologica
l factors, as opposed to normal personality traits, were highly correl
ated with measures of brain injury. Depression, in particular, was fou
nd to be substantially involved in the sequelae of brain injury for th
is sample. A trend in the data revealed that suicidal depression and a
nxious depression were differentially related to deficits on two scale
s of the LNNB. Patients with evidence of suicidal depression were also
more sensitive to emotional dysfunction in other areas. Few differenc
es were found between patients with traumatic brain injury and those w
ith other types of brain injuries. Results suggest that measures of ps
ychopathology can provide important supplementary information to neuro
psychological assessment, above that obtained from measures of brain f
unctioning alone. Controlled studies should investigate the relationsh
ip between psychopathology and neuropsychology more thoroughly to prov
ide clearer determinations of its involvement in the rehabilitation of
the brain-injured person.