Td. Richardson et Jf. Scheiring, ECOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS OF 2 PLEUROCERID GASTROPODS - ELIMIA-CLARA (LEA) AND E-CAHAWBENSIS (SAY), The Veliger, 37(3), 1994, pp. 284-289
The ecology of two pleurocerid gastropods, Elimia (= Goniobasis) clara
(Lea) and E. cahawbensis cahawbensis (Say) was studied in Little Schu
ltz Creek in Bibb County, Alabama. The study area is part of the Cahab
a River drainage basin. Elimia clara was found in greater proportions
in riffle areas of the study stream, whereas E. cahawbensis was evenly
distributed between riffles and pools. Both species were similar in s
ize-at-hatching and maximum size attained. However, overall mean size
differed significantly between the two species, with E. clara being th
e larger of the two. Elimia clara and E. cahawbensis had similar sex r
atios (1.3 males: 1 female) throughout the year. Both species exhibite
d sexual dimorphism in shell width with females being larger. Elimia c
lara typically had a larger proportion of reproductively active female
s. Each species maintained greater than 40 percent active females thro
ughout the year, with peak activity in mid to late summer. Both specie
s were mature at 5.5 mm shell width and were iteroparous. Elimia cahaw
bensis had a higher prevalence of trematodes (Cotylomicrocercus sp.) t
han did E. clara. Essentially, all infected females were unable to rep
roduce. Both species of snails had the epizoic red alga, Boldia erythr
osiphon, but significantly more of the E. clara population bore B. ery
throsiphon than did the E. cahawbensis population.