This review describes bolometric detectors for infrared and millimeter
waves. The introduction sketches the history of modem bolometers, ind
icates how they fit into the more general class of thermal detectors,
and describes the types of applications for which they are the optimum
solution. Section I is a tutorial introduction to the elementary theo
ries of bolometer response, of thermal radiation, and of bolometer noi
se. Important results are derived from the laws of thermal physics in
the simplest possible way. The more rigorous theories of bolometer res
ponse and noise that are required for quantitative understanding and o
ptimization are then summarized. This material is intended to provide
the background required by workers who wish to choose the appropriate
bolometer technology for a given measurement, or to evaluate a novel t
echnology. Section II, then describes the various components of an eff
icient bolometer and gives details of the fabrication and performance
of modem bolometers. This discussion focuses on composite bolometers w
ith semiconducting thermometers for operation at and below liquid heli
um temperatures. The tradeoffs involved in using superconducting therm
ometers at low temperatures are discussed. Finally, a discussion is gi
ven of bolometers for operation at liquid nitrogen temperature which u
se the new high-T(c) superconductors as thermometers.