Methods using dc electrical arrays to measure formation resistivity th
rough casing have relied on approximate forms for the current and pote
ntial distributions to derive a simple relationship between the format
ion resistivity and the transverse resistance calculated from measurem
ents of the potential and its second derivative inside the casing. We
have derived a numerical solution for the potentials and their derivat
ives to examine the accuracy of the approximate forms for casing of fi
nite-length, annular zones of varying radius, and for vertical discont
inuities such as layers or abrupt changes in annular zone radius. For
typical conductivity contrasts between the casing and formation, the a
pproximate relationships may be off by as much as 60 percent for long
casing and may show variations of 20 to 30 percent as the electrode ar
ray moves along the casing. In principle an iterative scheme could be
devised to correct the readings if high accuracy was required. The num
erical results show that to first order the current flow from the casi
ng is radial, and that all the analytic expressions based on this assu
mption for evaluating layer resolution and the effects of annular laye
rs are valid. An interesting byproduct of this study has been the disc
overy that the distortion of the potentials in a nearby well by an ann
ular disk (e.g., an injected steam zone) surrounding the current injec
tion well is greater if the injection well is cased. Crosswell resisti
vity surveys appear feasible if one of the wells is cased.