We describe a progressive program in science education called the Init
iative to Develop Education through Astronomy (IDEA). IDEA represents
a commitment by the Astrophysics Division of NASA Headquarters to pre-
collegiate and public learning. The program enlists the full participa
tion of research astronomers in taking advantage of the natural appeal
of astronomy and the unique features of space astrophysics missions t
o generate valuable learning experiences and scientifically accurate a
nd educationally effective products for students, teachers and citizen
s. One of the premier projects is called Flight Opportunities for Scie
nce Teacher EnRichment (FOSTER) - a program to fly teachers aboard the
Kuiper Airborne Observatory during actual research missions. IDEA is
managed by a visiting scientist with extensive educational background
(each of the authors have served in this role), and the program is uni
que within NASA science divisions for having a full time scientist dev
oted to education. IDEA recognizes that the rapidly shifting social an
d political landscape has caused a fundamental change in how science i
s expected to contribute to society. It is in the enlightened self-int
erest of all research scientists to respond to the challenge of connec
ting forefront research to basic educational needs. IDEA is exploring
the avenues needed to facilitate these connections, including suppleme
nting research grants for educational purposes.