We report the case of a 22-year-old woman with onset of erythrocytosis
at the age of 9 years. Endocrinological and radiological examinations
revealed an elevated catecholamine level and the presence of multiple
abdominal tumors. After the removal of the tumors, the catecholamine
level normalized, whereas erythropoietin remained at the same level an
d erythrocytosis persisted. The tumor lysate contained considerable am
ounts of catecholamine but no erythropoietin. Moreover, no erythropoie
tin mRNA was detected in the tumor by in situ hybridization. These dat
a suggest that this paraganglioma did not produce erythropoietin. A re
view of the literature showed the existence of patients with early-ons
et erythrocytosis complicated with paraganglioma, whose erythrocytosis
was not relieved even after the resection of paraganglioma.