Power transactions are important activities among electric utility com
panies. Effective transaction decisions can result in significant savi
ngs since marginal generation costs of neighboring utilities could be
quite different. Transactions, however, are coupled with the schedulin
g of units through system demand and reserve requirements, and are con
fined by many accustomed rules. How to make effective transaction deci
sions is therefore a very difficult problem. In this paper, an optimiz
ation-based method for the integrated consideration of power purchase
transactions and the scheduling of thermal units is presented based on
the augmented Lagrangian decomposition and coordination method. After
the system-wide demand and reserve requirements are relaxed by using
Lagrange multipliers and penalty coefficients, the overall problem is
decomposed into purchase and thermal subproblems. For a purchase subpr
oblem, the optimal purchase level for each purchase interval is first
determined. The subproblem is then efficiently solved by using the dyn
amic programming approach without discretizing purchase levels. Therma
l subproblems are solved by extending our previous method recently rep
orted in the literature. The multipliers and penalty coefficients are
then updated at the high level so that system demand and reserve requi
rements are gradually satisfied over iterations. The augmented Lagrang
ian decomposition and coordination method avoids the solution oscillat
ion difficulties associated with linear cost functions of purchase sub
problems and speeds up algorithm convergence. Numerical testing result
s based on modified Northeast Utility's data show that the, algorithm
is efficient, and significant savings can be obtained.