Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional cytokine with local and syst
emic effects during immunological and inflammatory reactions. The IL-6
activity in wound fluids and serum from wounded animals, its release
by wound cells in culture, and its role in the regulation of wound fib
roblast proliferation were determined. IL-6 activity in wound fluid an
d serum peaked within 12 h after wounding. Wound-derived polymorphonuc
lear leukocytes, macrophages, and fibroblasts released IL-6 in culture
. Wound macrophages harvested 5 days after injury produced more IL-6 t
han those taken at 3 or 10 days. An anti-IL-6 antibody partially rever
sed the suppression of wound fibroblast proliferation by wound fluid a
nd wound macrophage culture supernatants. Finally, human wound fluids
exhibited a temporal pattern of IL-6 activity similar to that found in
rat wounds. The early wound, then, and more specifically the polymorp
honuclear leukocytes of the immediate inflammatory response appear to
be the source of circulating IL-6 after injury. In the later wound, IL
-6 may provide signals to suppress fibroblast proliferation.