Survey for the continuing education The authors follow up the passage
of mycotoxins across the food chain and analyze the causes of losses d
ue to mould infections in plant production and to mycotoxicoses in ani
mal production, with special regard to the role of ochratoxins, zearal
enone and trichothecenes, which enter into the placenta and therefore
damage not only the maternal organism, but also the foetus(es). Preval
ence of ochratoxin was demonstrated in 43 per cent of pathologically a
ltered porcine kidneys, 52 per cent of human blood samples collected f
rom hospitalized patients and 38 per cent of human colostrum samples.
Zearalenone or its metabolites (zearalenole-alpha or -beta) were found
in 28 per cent of randomly collected samples of human colostrum. The
trichothecene (F-2 or/and DON) contamination of wheat samples increase
d not infrequently over the risk level. In view of these observations
the authors advocate the legal regulation of maximum permissible level
s of the fungal toxins in question.