Nh. Hamann et al., THE JETSET BARREL DRIFT-TUBE (STRAW) CHAMBER, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 346(1-2), 1994, pp. 57-74
A charged-particle tracking chamber consisting of about 1400 individua
l drift tubes (''straws'') has been designed and built for the experim
ent PS202 (JETSET), installed in the antiproton storage ring LEAR at C
ERN. The design considerations, the development of several new techniq
ues, and the construction of the detector are described. A complex sys
tem of front-end electronics, specially developed for the chamber, pro
vides drift-time as well as charge-division measurements. Calibration
procedures for obtaining three-dimensional space information for charg
ed-particle tracks are described. The performance of the chamber achie
ved in the actual experiment is discussed.